This is Aster, the first ever submission to StuffCatsWant for Cat of the week. We thank her very much for being so brave to put herself out there for this honor. Aster was adopted from Humane Society a little over a year ago. She is absolutely gorgeous, look at that giant fluffball with beautiful eyes!
Aster is an experienced traveler and has gone on many road trips. She’s knows just how to get into a cat carrier, but if your cat doesn’t then check out this article for some tips on how to ease the process!
Some of Aster’s favorite past times are playing fetch with her mice, getting belly rubs, and finding new crevices of her apartment to explore.
As you can see, Aster also certainly knows just how to relax both on her own an on top of her humans! Aster is a little strange in that she will only drink her water from a cup instead of a bowl. Cats need quite a bit of water every day to stay healthy so Aster’s glass stays full all the time to ensure she stays hydrated!
Aster also loves spending time sitting in the bathtub, but for all her weirdness she is still very loved!!!
Aster’s photos and information were contributed by Reddit User bruceasauras. To submit your cat for Cat of the Week please send a few photos and a description of at least 400 words to Craig@StuffCatsWant.com.