Fortunately Slinky’s humans had some close family members that looked after her until the youngest grew enough that Slinky could finally come home. Now she’s okay with all three of the children, but her heart really belongs to her human dad! Mom is a tolerable second best most of the time! However, Slinky only lets her human mom pet her belly, albeit begrudgingly!
Slinky is a Savannah, but she pulls hard from her Siamese roots in looks, personality, and vocals. She never stops talking. She meows at you when you look at her, pet her, go near her, or just because she can. Her meow is so loud too! You can hear her meowing from anywhere in the house.
She’s very friendly, and always comes to new people for pets or to sit in their lap. She’s such a lap cat. She also follows her humans around the house. It’s not uncommon for her to wander in and peek into the bath while one of us is in it, or to poke her head round doors to find her human friends and then wait for them to move!

Slinky is named after the cat from the Slinky Malinki children’s books, because she fits the description exactly (except in the book Slinky is a boy.)
“Slinky Malinki was blacker than black,
A stalking and lurking adventurous cat,
He had bright yellow eyes and a warbling wail,
And a kink at the end of his very long tail.”
Even down to the kink in her tail, Slinky fits her name perfectly!
We at StuffCatsWant again thank reddit user ASpecialUnicorn for submitting Slinky as Cat of the Week! To submit your cat for Cat of the Week please send at least 5 photos and a description of at least 400 words to Craig@StuffCatsWant.com.