This week’s Cat of the Week is Rori, and what a beauty! Rori comes submitted to us from Reddit user pudinglover.
Five years ago Rori’s human moved to Oslo from Lithuania to be with her mom and try to save up some money for University. While she was not planning to stay longer than 1 year her plans changed and she decided to stay longer.
After 2 years living in Oslo she was making a good number of friends and one of those friends adopted a kitten. But after a couple of weeks, she had to leave the country for a month and asked if pudinglover could babysit the kitten.
She of course agreed. Who wouldn’t?!?! Her friend fell out of touch and didn’t come back to pick up the kitten, so she kept it. She took Rori to the vet, got her documents, got her fixed and everything. She spent a hefty chunk of money on it since these things are pricy in Norway.
But it was worth it. Then crazily enough, 7 months later, the original owner came out from nowhere and demanded the cat back. As any cat parent would say it was quite the ridiculous request!
pudinglover had taken care of her, fallen in love with her and had spent so much money on her. And after abandoning her for several months with no contact you now just want her back? Heck no!
Unfortunately this was the end of that friendship, but Rori is more than she could ask for. pudinglover has now had Rori for 3 amazing years! She loves cuddles, especially laying down on her human’s chest and chewing on her hair. Rori even loves licking her neck.
Rori’s favorite game is fetch, she’s not like other cats, she is like a dog in a lot of ways. She always waits for pudinglover by the door when she comes home.
Rori is also very odd, she never eats or goes to the bathroom if no one is home! She eats when her human eats. She only poops when her human is home and always let’s her human know that she pooped and her litter box requires cleaning.
Rori also absolutely loves boxes. Rori lives by the mantra “If it fits I sits!” Rori and her human are inseparable, Rori always sleeps with her mom. Not just with her, on her pillow or on my head! All night without moving an inch! Talk about loving her human!
We at StuffCatsWant want to thank pudinglover for submitting Rori as this week’s Cats of the Week! To submit your cat for Cat of the Week please send at least 5 photos and a description of at least 400 words to Craig@StuffCatsWant.com.
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