This week’s Cats of the Week are Charlie and Winston! They come submitted to us from Reddit user bannnanaburger (Alannah).
Alannah and her boyfriend D have had Charlie and Winston for about a month now. They just moved into their first apartment together in March and it was D’s lifelong dream to be a pet owner.
To her own surprise she was the hesitant one to adopt due to worrying about whether or not she was making a brash decision. As soon as she agreed to one kitten D upped the anti and said “what about *two* cats so they don’t get lonely??” “Oh jeez… Okay!” said Alannah!
For those of you who don’t know, adopting kittens in pairs is highly recommended by cat behaviorists & rescues.
Luckily, the adoption for Charlie and Winston fell right into their lap! D’s brother told them about how his boss’s cat had given birth to a litter of 4 kittens and two of those kittens were constantly side by side. We decided to take the plunge and they are so glad they did.
Charlie and Winston are still very much inseparable brothers. They learn something new about their personalities every day! Charlie, the orange kitten, is consider to be the disturber for how much he likes to rough house with Winston.
At first we were worried he played a little too rough so we tried giving him time-outs…Only to find that Winston would paw at the door wanting to be with his brother! Winston is shy but hates being alone, so he constantly follows Charlie.
Sometimes we think he likes to copy Charlie’s actions, and whenever he wanders off to a room by himself he starts meowing when he realizes no ones in the room with him.
Charlie and Winston are indoor cats, but with each passing day they become more adventurous and want to explore more. Their favourite spot to sleep is under our couch; they’ve made a little hammock for themselves where the couch cover gets tied underneath.
As you can see they still have quite a bit of growing to do! This kitten toy is still as big as the kitten!
Charlie also likes to try and sneakily follow them out of the apartment when we leave for work, he is becoming such a cheeky little baby!! He definitely has a big personality compared to Winston, who in that comparison is a sweet little angel boy.
They are both adorable little fur balls and I’m sure they’ll grow into beautiful adult cats too! We at StuffCatsWant want to thank Alannah and D for submitting Charlie and Winston as this week’s Cats of the Week!
To submit your cat for Cat of the Week please send at least 5 photos and a description of at least 400 words to Craig@StuffCatsWant.com.
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