The Furminator for Cats With Short Hair is a specialized brush designed specifically to pull loose hair off of the outer coat and the undercoat of your short haired cat.
It does its job very efficiently and effectively. As an added benefit to you as the owner it also has lots of other perks worth considering.
Product Name:
Furminator for Cats With Short Hair
Product Type:
Cat Brush / Cat De-shedding Tool
Short haired cats may not need daily hair brushing sessions to ensure they don't get matting or tangles, but that doesn't mean that daily hair brushing doesn't bring tons of benefits!
Brushing short haired cats has lots of perks for both you and your kitty. The Furminator comes in many designs and sizes, but this one is engineered to specifically benefit short haired cats!
It'll help your short haired cat maintain an extra shiny coat, minimize shedding, decrease hairballs and if your cat is anything like my cat Beast it'll help you develop a bond with your cat so she comes running at brushing time!
Watch the Full Video Review
Seeing The Furminator in action is the best way to actually get a grasp on how great of a job it does and how much a cat can actually enjoy being brushed.
Check out the video review to see the brush actually working and see how much my cat Beastling loves it.
Shedding Is Driving Me Nuts!
With cats having up to 130,000 hairs per square inch of their coat, you've got a lot of potential cat hair that can fall out of your feline friend! In fact, one of the biggest complaints from cat owners are how often they shed.
Surprisingly the constant shedding of household cats is largely driven by humans modifying how much light a cat receives on a daily basis. Because cats have quite constant and varied light supplies they basically constantly shed in your house! Wild felines do not shed like this!
Anyway, that being said, brushing is by far the single most effective method for humans to help their cats minimize shedding. It picks up all the loose fur from the outer coat and if you use a brush like the Furminator it even gets to the undercoat too!
The more hairs you manage to extract while brushing the less hair that ends up on the floor or floating around your house. All the more reason to establish a brushing regiment!
The Furminator for short haired cats is specially designed to help you minimize the amount of loose fur you'll find all over the house. That being said, there's no way to stop it completely if you've got a cat with hair!
Daily brushing combined with automatic robot vacuums can make a powerful combination that enables you to kiss floating fur goodbye.
My Cat Keeps Getting Hairballs!
Hairballs are far more common in cats with long hair, but it certainly doesn't stop short haired cats from getting them! And any cat that isn't being brushed consistently will likely experience them from time to time.
When cats groom themselves they use their tongue to pull loose hair, dirt and debris out of their coat. This results in them ingesting most of hair that they pull off of themselves.
Once the hair is ingested it tends to sit in the digestive track and slowly work its way through. But sometimes the hair doesn't pass through the track as fast as necessary and it builds up. When the buildup is large enough it results in your cat getting a hairball.

Brushing your cat will significantly reduce the amount of hair she ingests and thus reduce the amount of hair sitting in her digestive track. By default this will reduce the number of hairballs your kitty encounters.
By using the Furminator you're able to assist your feline friend in removing a large portion of the loose fur before it can ever end up in their mouth. This means less fur in the digestive track.
My Cat's Coat Doesn't Look Healthy, Should I Still Brush Her?
Your cats coat health is heavily driven by your cats internal health. If your cat isn't eating well or is having other health problems they are often reflected in the quality and shine of your cat's coat.
The most common issue with a cat's coat stems from the cat not eating a high quality diet. If you want your cat's coat to shine and look great the most important pieces are to ensure she gets enough protein and also the necessary amino acids and fatty acids that will help her produce natural oils.
When your cat has a healthy diet she will naturally produce the oils that make for a shiny and beautiful coat, but your cat still typically needs to groom herself to get the oils spread throughout her whole coat.
Older cats and overweight cats may have difficulty doing this on their own. Brushing your cat will help spread the natural oils your kitty produces throughout her entire coat!
So if your cat's coat isn't looking great, but they are already on a healthy diet, then brushing can be a huge benefit that can be transformative for the look of the coat!
Do note that if your kitty doesn't have a nice shiny coat even with brushing and a healthy diet that you may want to talk to your veterinarian to see if there are any other options worth looking at.
You may also want to read this article on PetMD to review other potential causes for a drab coat.
What If I Brush Too Often?
If you get onto a schedule and start brushing your kitty daily then you may start to realize that your brushing sessions eventually pull out quite a bit less hair than they once did.
This is because by consistently brushing the loose hairs no longer have a chance to build up in the deeper layers of your cat's coat before you brush them out! There's really nothing to worry about!
After an in depth discussion with my veterinarian he basically indicated that it is pretty hard to pull out too much hair.

In fact, lots of cats with extra thick coats may require daily brushing and attention for maintenance purposes and to help you keep your own sanity.
You're far more likely to irritate your cat's skin than you are to perform any lasting damage to your cat's coat.
If you do happen to go too far most cats will make this well known. They are prone to meows, smack at you with their paws or even mouth or snap at you if you get way too aggressive with the brush.
Could Brushing Cause Skin Rashes?
The Furminator is specifically designed to be gentle on your cat's skin as you use it. The tines built into the brush aren't sharp and will not scratch or poke holes in your cat's skin.
All brushes and deshedding tools can irritate your cat's skin if they are overused or used incorrectly. This involves pushing too hard or pulling the brush through obvious knots and mats without proper care.
Be sure to take signs from your cat on what is ok and what isn't comfortable. Most cats are quite clear on what they enjoy versus don't. If your cat swats at you then you should definitely avoid brushing the area that caused it.
If there's clearly an issue with hair the area that needs to be treated then you may want to consider going to a veterinarian or a professional groomer.
Beastling gets brushed numerous times a week, sometimes for up to 15 minutes at a time. She's never once experienced a skin rash or irritation at the hands of the Furminator.
The only thing we have noticed after extensive use is some lightweight dander which was easily remedied by adding fish oil supplements to her dry food per the recommendation of her vet.
Will Brushing Relieve Allergies?
There's a common misconception out there that cat fur causes allergies. While simply not true, it can make allergies worse! There are no known allergic reactions to fur itself, but instead they are caused by cat dander.
The problem comes in that as dander falls off your kitty it commonly binds to fur. Then when the fur falls off and floats around the house it can easily cause allergic reactions if it lands on someone or if they touch it and have an allergy.
No fun for anyone involved! On the bright side brushes can help and the Furminator is one of the best there is! Brushing on a consistent basis can easily help reduce issues with cat allergies by pulling dander covered hairs off of your cat and placing them directly in the garbage.
Not only does this minimize the amount of fur floating around, but it of course takes all the dander that has bound itself to the fur out of the house too!
If you are still have allergy issues after establishing a brushing routine then you should consider adding a high quality HEPA air filter to your home or to the room(s) you spend the most time in.
Furminator for Cats With Short Hair
Although Beast wasn't particularly known for hairballs when we got this brush, she was known for leaving clumps of grey fur and tumbleweeds of grey fur absolutely everywhere!
Who know a cat could produce so much fur? According to PetMD cats can have over 130,000 hairs per square inch on their body. That is absolutely insane to think about considering the size of an average cat.
The Furminator has made a marked decrease in the amount of fur floating around our house. You can see in the video review how many hairs come out from a few simply strokes of the brush.
Given that Beast loves being brushed we see a huge benefit from the Furminator. On top of this, we have also noticed an extra shiny coat after mixing some fish oil capsules into her food once or twice a week per the recommendation of our vet!
The Good Stuff:
- Beast goes into full purring mode when she gets brushed, she absolutely loves brushing time
- Helps build a positive bond with your kitty
- Desheds loose fur so you can minimize the number of fur tumbleweeds floating around your home
- Super easy to hold for extended or constant use
- Easily and conveniently ejects fur with the push of a button
The Bad Stuff:
- Has the potential to cause skin irritation
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