This week’s cat of the week is Alani! Alani comes submitted to us by her human Lowell and we thank him for the submission!
Alani means "orange tree blossom," and like all blossoms she has been a wonderful blessing. Alani was adopted from a local no-kill shelter on a whim. Her family had blown a tire and they were waiting for it to be replaced when they decided to walk down to the pet store.

The shelter had an adopt-a-thon that day and when they saw her they fell in love instantly. They had to get a Lyft home just to bring her along as the tire was not fixed yet. She was sick for quite a while and her humans nursed her back to good health. She has the most wonderful personality and is sweet as sugar.
Unlike many adopted cats she instantly adapted to her new home and the resident animals. She didn’t even need Feliway before she started to snuggle with the other resident cat, Chicken.

Her and her family live in a second floor apartment and one of Alani’s favorite things to do is lay out on the deck. She sure does love her sun beams. And you can see she looks quite dapper with her collar and tag on too!

You can always tell when Alani is happy because she walks around the apartment letting out little high pitched chirps. She is spoiled rotten, only the best for her and the other animals. Alani’s family springs for the expensive premium brand food because they feel that it keeps all the animals happy and healthy.

They often feel like the animals end up eating better than the humans! Alani is always down for a good belly rub or paw massage. She is not one of those cat traps that pretends to want a tummy rub and then pounces on the unsuspecting human.

Her family’s favorite feature is her amber eyes. They are mesmerizing. Alani is incredibly soft and always keeps herself impeccably groomed. She also grooms the other animals in the house because sharing is caring, right?
Needless to say her family has fallen completely in love with Alani over the last 6 months that they’ve had her and we are very proud to have such an awesome cat as a member of the family.
StuffCatsWant thanks Alani and her family for participating as Cat of the Week! To submit your cat please email Craig@StuffCatsWant.com and include 5 pictures and 400 words about your cat!
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