Gizmo – Cats Of the Week – November 5th, 2018

gizmo the cat laying down

Everyone meet this week's Cat of the Week! Gizmo comes to us from The Larsons and we thank them for the submission! 

Gizmo posing

The Larsons brought Gizmo home from a farm in Minnesota in the spring of 2008 when he was just a kitty. It is hard for the family to believe he'll be eleven years old in the Spring! 

Gizmo looks just like another cat the Larsons had, Tigger, who lived to be 21, and they thought he would be a good companion so they brought him home to join the family. Gizmo is their only fur baby now and he is very spoiled.

gizmo yawning

Gizmo is very dog-like in that he loves his toys! He loves to chase rubber bouncy balls around the house and he plays with tennis balls too. At first his family thought Gizmo was a little odd because he didn't seem to like getting into boxes like most cats (my cats don't either!!!), but we just recently discovered he does like cardboard boxes. It just requires a special type of box with short sides and no flaps. (It seems I have some experimenting to do with Lexi and Beast!)

He also has a little stuffed dog named Chloe that he likes to leave in strange places around the house, frequently in a standing position.

Gizmo showing off

Gizmo likes to pose for pictures. Sometimes, when his family start taking photos he'll move into three or four different positions so they can shoot him like the paparazzi. Gizmo hams it up. He also knows the meaning of the word "snack" and comes running whenever someone says it.

gizmo giving the 'dude' look

Gizmo always knows exactly when it's feeding time and will frequently headbutt his dad as a reminder. If it's past his feeding time he'll jump on the arm of the sofa and give his dad an expression that says "Dude, you know my feeding time was TWO WHOLE MINUTES AGO."

Gizmo being pet shamed

Occasionally the Larsons get a mouse in the house and Gizmo will stay up all night hunting it, but he's not very good at finishing the job as you can see. He gets a bit of pet shaming for it when it happens!

gizmo relaxing

Gizmo has so many nicknames it's hard to keep track of them all. Gizmo, Gizzy Poo Poo, The Giz, Galloping Giz, Baby Mo, Fatty Boom Batty and many more. He also has a voice, invented by his Dad, that all the members of his family use when they talk for him. 

gizmo showing off his soft fluff

Gizmo is very cuddly and lovable and loves to be petted on his head and cheeks. He gets brushed a lot too, so he's very soft, especially his belly and chest as you can see above. Gizmo is very much loved and an important member of the Larson family.

StuffCatsWant thanks The Larsons for participating as Cat of the Week!  To submit your cat please email and include 5 pictures and 400 words about your cat! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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