This summer in Chicago has been pretty darn hot! And I don't know about you folks, but some of these old apartment buildings don't have very good air conditioning available. At best they might have a window unit. When it is 95 F outside it just doesn't keep up.
Now I know our feline friends come from the dessert historically, but that doesn't mean that they absolutely love hot humid weather. So when AC isn't an option a nice cat cooling mat can help your kitty stave off the summer heat!
Now you'll quickly see that most of these mats are marketed for dogs, but the mats work just as well for our feline friends too. So let's dig into it below and look at some of the best mats out there!
The Best Cat cooling pads Quick Guide | |
Best Overall | |
Best Alternates | |
Best Aluminum Model | |
Best for Cats & Dogs | |
Most Durable | |
Best Indoor/Outdoor | |
Best Hot/Cold Mat | |
Gel Infused Foam | |
Best Memory Foam | |
Air Cooled | |
Longest Lasting | |
Additional Information | |
The Green Pet Shop stands above and beyond other players in this market with their cooling mat. It has been around for years and it has been cool as a cucumber the entire time.
Yes that’s a picture of a dog. No it doesn’t matter!It works for cats too!
Not only do they provide a great product to keep your cat cool, but it is safe and sound for your fluff ball as well!
Key features of this mat include:
"On those hot summer days when our two Norwegian Forest Cats are steaming they love laying on this mat!"
It is worth noting the following before making a purchase:
Riogoo Aluminum Alloy Foldable Pet Cooling Mat
Aluminium alloy stays cooler than other objects around it, just like a tile floor. This is why Riogoo decided to change it up a bit and go with an aluminum allow option instead of a gel related option like many other pet companies.
On top of this Riogoo has an option that has zero chance of being ingested by your kitty cat and their claws can’t really do much to it either. This means you’ve got another option worth considering if you don’t like the idea of a gel based cooling mat.
Key features worth noting:
"My cat loves it. She normally zonks out on the wood floor so there's no difference in comfort between that and the aluminum."
You'll want to consider the following before you make a purchase:
The Arf Pets Cooling Pad has been around for a good long time and they’ve made a high quality product for years. Not only will it keep your cat nice and cool, but it won’t be damaged easily either.
Some of the major features worth noting on this model:
"I laid this out on a hot day and both of my cats immediately came up, sniffed, then took a long nap on top of it. Apparently they knew what it was straight away!"
You'll want to note the following before making a purchase:
Boho Aluminium Alloy Pet Cooling Pad for Cats
If you’re worried about gets, non toxic or not, then this is an excellent option for you. Boho Farms brings a great aluminium alloy based cooling pad to the market for both cats and dogs.
The beauty of this type of cooling pad is no amount of chewing or clawing can ever puncture it or cause it to leak. It is made of a solid metal that stays cooler than the surrounding environment and encourages your cat to relax on it.
Key features of this model worth noting:
"Even if your cat is crazy like mine, she doesn't like boxes, she'll probably take a liking to this mat on a hot day! Mine sat down on it immediately and claimed it as her own."
You may want to consider the following before making a purchase:
Hugs Pet Products Chillz Pressure Activated Pet Cooling Gel Pad – No Need To Freeze Or Chill
With a product name like Chillz with a z on the end you know you’re getting a ‘cool’ product, and not just a mat that will keep the temperature down. This model is for the hippest and coolest cats out there. And if your cat isn’t cool, it’ll make them cool.
This product has a nice soft puncture outer layer which makes it a great spot for cats to relax on very hot days. It’ll help them not only get some sleep, but de-stress and help make all their worries melt away.
"At first I was worried my cat would puncture it easily, but the cover seems to do the job so long as I don't let her claw it on purpose! She loves it and sleeps on it all day."
As with all gel based models you'll want to consider this before buying it:
Pet Fit For Life Snuggle Soft Cooling and Heating Pad for Cats
The key differentiation point for this model is that it is both for cooling and heating purposes. If you’ve got a cat that likes to cool off in the summer and stay nice and warm in the winter than this might be the best choice.
Similar to other models it uses a gel compound inside that can be heated or cooled, note this model will not cool itself or heat itself. You have to prep it for use by either microwaving it or throwing it in the fridge.
Key features worth noting:
"I love the fact that I can heat it up and cool it down. It doesn't matter what season it is, my arthritic kitty cat can stay more comfy!"
You'll want to know the following before purchasing:
K&H Pet Products Cool Bed III
K&H Pet Products owns a slot in my favorite heated cat beds article because they've been making amazing pet products for years. This cooling bed for pets is no different.
The K&H model uses a Cool Core technology inside this cooling mat that absorbs the heat produced by your pet and coverts it to room temperature, electricity free.
A few other key items worth noting:
"My girlfriend's long haired cat is always looking for cold spots to lay, usually right in the middle of the tile in the kitchen. We tried this out to get him to relocate and were super happy, he now lays off next to the couch instead!"
You'll want to note the following before making a purchase:
Gel Infused Memory Foam Cooling Bed
This option is a memory foam bed that is infused with cooling gel to help keep your feline friends cool even on the hottest day! This high density memory foam is super high quality and provides great support!
This bed is primarily made for medical treatment, especially for arthritic animals or those that need to stay extra cool on hot days. The gel is of course 100% non toxic just in case of a puncture or leak.
Be sure to check out the following highlights:
Memory Foam Air Cooling Mat
If you're looking to treat your cat or cats to the comfiest and coolest (in more ways than one) cat bed ever, then consider this one.
Not only does it have it have top quality memory foam, but it comes with a super comfy velour cover! Your cats will never leave it, except hopefully to eat and use the litter box!
A few other things worth noting:
"Both my cat and my dog love the bed, sometimes they even crash on different ends of it at the same time."
Definitely note the following before purchasing this option:
CoolPet Reusable Ice/Heat Pack Mat
CoolPet uses a very simple, but very reliable method for cooling your kitty off. This mat is basically a slip cover for a special designed ice pack that can be inserted into the center.
The ice packs can be purchased in multiples so you can easily freeze one while another is in use and maintain a nice cool spot for your cat the entire day!
A few other things worth noting about this option:
Definitely note the following before purchasing this option:
Additional Information
How Does a Cat Cooling Pad Work?
Most of the above products are gel based cooling pads. You might be wondering to yourself “Why does my air conditioner need to be plugged in to cool my house but this thing doesn’t?” It’s a fair question.
The gel in a cooling pad what is called a polymer. A polymer is a special chemical structure. Basically it means it was designed just for this purpose! But essentially what happens is when pressure is placed on the polymer it activates a chemical change that absorbs heat.
This is based on the idea of endothermology. All that means is a chemical change that is accompanied by an absorption of heat. In simple terms, when you place pressure on the mat it triggers a chemical change that absorbs heat.
When there’s no longer any pressure on the mat the chemical change stops and the heat is no longer absorb. The pad will heat back up to room temperature in about 20 to 30 minutes depending upon the environment. Then it’ll be ready to go again!
Are These Things Safe for my Cat?
The manufacturers of these products ensure that the gels inside of these mats are 100% Non-Toxic and will not hurt your cat if they happen to consume it. That being said, you should still err on the side of safety and do your best to stop them from consuming it.
So if you’ve got a curious cat that chews and scratches at things definitely go for an aluminium version instead of a gel based version. They are definitely safe for your feline friend.
If you’re curious about what the gel is made of you can check out this awesome post on Instructibles where some great members researched the most likely solutions behind the gel based mats. It’ll give you an idea of the contents.
If your cat does happen to consume any of the gel it is recommended you call the ASPCA Poison Control Line(888) 426-4435 or get your cat to the veterinarian immediately for a check up. Note if you call the ASPCA they may charge you a consultation fee.
Does It Have to be Plugged In?
The beauty of these products is they don’t require any consistent power supply, they work completely energy free! This means you can put them wherever you want in the house and it’ll help keep your feline friend nice and cool on those hot summer days.
Another huge bonus of not having the plug the cooling pad in is that you don’t have to worry about another cord lying around that your cat might start to chew on. We all know that some cats love to chew on cords that aren’t covered up or completely protected. These cooling mats are totally free of this risk!
How Do I Get My Cat To Use It?
Getting your cat to use a new bed or anything new is often a bit complicated. While cats are typically quite curious, they are also cautious when it comes to new things being introduced to their environment.
The easiest way to get your cat interested is to put something they like on top of or next to the bed. In particular a t-shirt or a piece of bedding with their scent or your scent on it can help get your cat comfortable with the new bed.
Be sure not to use anything too thick though and be sure not to cover the whole cooling surface up. If you do this it’ll be that much longer before your cat recognize that it is a cool area to sleep and they might not start to use it as quickly.
For the aluminum options you may also want to consider a thin pad or a thin piece of fleece just to add a bit more comfort. My cats both love laying on my wood floor and a bunch of other rock hard places so they don’t have any problem with this, but other cats may want something more comfy.
Does My Cat Need One?
There are a few signs you can look for in your cat to determine if you should be considering a cooling mat. Some of us may simply buy this to spoil our kitty and give them a nice cool place to snooze, but some cats may actually need it depending on their environment.
If cats overheat they can experience Heat Stroke just like humans. Basically, the body simply gets overworked trying to stay cool and shuts down. The key reasons this might happen are a very high temperature and a lack of access to water.
Another option worth exploring is a cat drinking fountain that will provide a constant supply of fresh water. Many cats don’t drink enough water because they prefer water from a moving supply. If you’re unsure if your cat is too hot then here are some key signs you should look out for:
- Restless behavior as your cat tries to find a cool spot
- Panting, sweaty feet, drooling, excessive grooming in an effort to cool off
If things progress further and your cat can’t find a place to cool off he or she may start to show these types of behavior:
- Rapid breathing
- Redness of the tongue and mouth
- Vomiting or excessive lethargy
- Staggering or stumbling when walking
If you notice any of this you should get your cat to the veterinarian immediately.
Wrapping It Up On Cat Cooling Pads
As you can see there are a lot of different options out there when it comes to keeping your cat cool on those hot summer days. But the cooling pads mostly break down into two broad categories: gel based, aluminium based.
Both options work great and they both have pros and cons. If you have cats that like to chew and scratch everything in site then you’d probably want to lean toward the latter. If you have chill cats that just tend to zonk out anywhere comfy then gel based is probably a great option.
Whichever option you choose definitely leave a note in the comments below to tell us how it worked out for you!
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