Cat of the Week – January 8th, 2018 – Harley

cat of the week January 9th 2018 - Harley the calico

Let’s meet a gorgeous calico named Harley!  Harley comes calling from reddit user idlewildgirl and we thank her for her submission. Harley is three years old and was born in the wonderful spring month of March. idlewildgirl got her when Harley was only 8 weeks from a friend who got her as company for her older cat. Unfortunately the older cat and Harley did not get along too well and soon after Harley was was looking for a new home.

a beautiful calico named Harley posing like a model for her photo

idlewildgirl saw a post Facebook about Harley and her situation on a whim decided that it was the right time in life for her to get a kitten. Harley is the typical feisty Calico cat we hear so much about! When Harley was in for her first vet checkup the vet told her mom that “you are going to have some fun with this one” and they were correct!

Harley enjoys sitting in the window perch, seems these days most cats love these things!  Harley also loves running around the house at 4am and knocking things over, what I personally love to call “the zoomies” after having read it somewhere on Quora. Although my cats do this all the time too, it can help to gt them on a structured play schedule before bed time if you’re having any trouble sleeping!

a calico named Harley exploring the Christmas tree

Harley also loves putting holes in all the curtains in the house! She doesn’t have time for most people, whenever new visitors appear Harley tends to disappear under a bed somewhere and her mom needs to tell friends that it is nothing personal, she’s just your typical feline that isn’t terribly welcoming of brand new people!

Harley does love her mom though, she like a little shadow. Harley won’t even leave her mom alone in the bath without her coming in to sit in the sink to be next to her. This is fun until Harley starts to flick cold water at idlewildgirl trying to turn on the tap for a drink. It is pretty obvious that she does it on purpose!

Harley asleep tucked in under the covers

All things considered though Harley has been a true blessing. After being blindsided by a break up Harley has been there day in and day out and is the best comfort available when sadness strikes. Although she had never had a cat before and didn’t think she would do, idlewildgirl thinks that Harley came into her life at just the right time. It is now hard to imagine being without her. Curtain holes and all!

To submit your cat for Cat of the Week please send at least 4 photos and a description of at least 400 words to

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