This week’s Cat of the Week is Smokey and comes to us from Reddit user rawrimaliz, thanks so much for your submission!
rawrimaliz got Smokey in September 2013 when he was 4 months out from a friend’s farm. She got him to be the little brother to her and her husband’s other cat, Bandit. They both had other gray kitties as children that they loved very much and when they saw Smokey he reminded them so much of their childhood cats that they chose him right away.
Smokey is definitely a snuggly kitty! He will hop up on anyone’s lap for pets and cuddles, but as soon as you get up he’s going to steal your seat!
He can also be very passive aggressive and will let you know if you’re not giving him enough attention by knocking over anything he can get his little paws on too. He loves to sit by the patio doors, soak up the warmth of the sunshine and watch the birds fly by. I bet he’d love a window bed!
Smokey’s other hobbies include laying all over his human mom’s yarn and projects, trying to sneak into his human baby brother’s room, and running his laps around the house. He really enjoys play-fighting with his big brother, he will randomly walk up to him and sit on him.
Though Smokey is a very lovable cat, he is the reason we can’t have house plants. He lays in or tries to eat every one we’ve ever tried having, even cacti. For anyone else reading, be sure your house plants are cat safe!
Despite his affinity for house plant destruction everyone in the family loves Smokey so much. They can’t wait for the years ahead with him, and for him to be the gray kitty to their son, like they had as children.
We at StuffCatsWant want to thank Smokey for gracing us as this week’s Cat of the Week! To submit your cat for Cat of the Week please send at least 5 photos and a description of at least 400 words to Craig@StuffCatsWant.com.
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