This week’s Cat Of The Week is Mushi and Mushi comes submitted to us by Reddit user Kosmosnoetos! We thank her for the submission!
Mushi was adopted on June 18th, 2013 and the name is derived from the Kanji “虫” which means “insect” or “bug” in Japanese. The reason this name was chosen for her is because she was so tiny and always getting into things! Though she didn’t stay tiny for long, she did retain that character trait of always finding herself in sticky situations!
Mushi is leash trained and enjoys going for long walks with her owners, unless it starts raining! Once she decided to climb up the side of a tree right outside of their door to escape rain drops instead of just turning around and going back inside! For those of you who don’t have any luck leash training your cats (mine are afraid of the leash) you can try an space capsule backpack like I did!
Mushi can also be very demanding. She’s super talkative and is not afraid to state her opinion and do whatever it takes to get her way.
Whether she wants kibbles, treats, or attention, you can bet that no matter what she’ll get what she’s looking for! She has learned that her human’s boyfriend and her get up at different times during the morning. She knows that if she cries and acts like she hasn’t been fed that she has the potential to be fed twice! On a side note, my kitties do the same and we started using an automatic feeder to help!
Her human’s don’t think she’s learned that we can just ask each other if she’s been fed yet! Mushi is still purrfecting her English language skills.
At the end of the day despite always wanting her own way and independence shes down for a nice calm cuddle session. She’s always right between her humans when they go to sleep. Reminds me of my cat Beastling, she loves sleeping next to my side which makes me hot as can be so I had to get her a bed to keep her warm in the winter!
She has a very strong intuition to sense when we are sad or distressed. Mushi has a large family. A mom, dad, and grandparents. They all love her dearly, she’s made a huge impact on all of their lives and she’s a better friend than we could have ever asked for!
We thank Kosmosnoetos for submitting Mushi! To submit your cat for Cat of the Week please send at least 5 photos and a description of at least 400 words to Craig@StuffCatsWant.com.
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