Hey everyone! Happy New Year and welcome to 2019 and the first edition of Cat of the Week! This week's cat is Ace and he is an adorable and playful little guy! Ace comes to us from his human Melissa!

Melissa got Ace when he was 12 weeks old and she's had him a little over 8 months old now! Ace is part of a family of Bengal kitties that love to play and cause all sorts of havoc!

Ace is definitely the attention seeker out of Melissa's 3 Bengal cats. Ace's siblings (Diamond and Stella) only want love on their own terms, but he absolutely loves to cuddle!

Ace also loves to play pool, and run wild all over the house while his humans try to sleep! As of right now Ace only goes outside on a leash as his humans are working to train him to go places with them.
They might even need a way to keep track of him soon. You can see he looks quite dapper in his leather collar!

Ace doesn't mind water too much, but when we say pool we're referring to billiards! Ace plays pool anytime the family leaves the balls on the table! He even falls asleep on the table just like it is a bed!

Ace is a super sweet boy and his family is super thankful for him and his siblings! StuffCatsWant thanks Melissa for sending us Ace as Cat of the Week! To submit your cat please email StuffCatsWant@gmail.com and include 5 pictures and 400 words about your cat!
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