This week’s cat of the week is Violet and is coming to us all the way from Ontario, Canada! She was recommended to us by her her adoptive parents, Brian and Christine. Violet is a 4 year old tabby and what a photogenic feline she is!
Her mother was a Ragdoll tabby from Christine’s family, though unfortunately they don’t know who her father is. After deciding to go home with Christine, Violet lived in several houses and even had a couple outdoor adventures in her early life. I wonder if she ever went out in a bubble backpack? She seems too adventurous for that though!
She has since settled in Brian and Christine’s apartment as a permanent home, and is a strictly indoor cat now (outside is scary unless she has the window force-field thing).
She spends most of her time sleeping on the windowsill, or keeping a vigilant watch over the yard. Her interests include mouse cursors, reflections on walls and hair brushes. She has a vast collection of hair elastics and bottle caps, which she will bring right to us, for an extended session of “fetch”. Sounds like Violet certainly knows how to play, look at her go toe to toe with that piece of heavy equipment straight from her comfy bed! I don’t think most cats get toys like that!
She loves active play and definitely gets the midnight zoomies. She is a good hunter, catching a mouse every few months, but she never quite knows what to do with them. One time she lost track of a mouse because it was literally hiding on her feet. Cats have surprisingly poor vision up close! That’s why their whiskers are so darn useful!
Violet is very affectionate and demands attention, but if she shows her belly, it’s a trap! She is an absolute fiend for being brushed, and thunders into the room every time she hears either of her adoptive parents brushing their own hair. Too funny to me because my cat Beast absolutely loves her Furminator as well, she’ll wander around at your feet just begging for a brushing!
Violet is an extremely vocal cat with a strong vibrato howl, and really only stays quiet when she’s asleep.
One quirk that the family has learned to work around is phone screen reflections: if she sees light of any kind reflected on a wall, she will continue to hunt for it indefinitely. Sounds like she’s got quite the prey drive! She is also an avid back-seat gamer with a specific interest in The Sims, which can firmly hold her attention for hours.
Violet is very comfortable with her day-to-day routine and knows exactly how to get what she wants (normally via an emphatic yowl). She will ask for food, water, treats or ‘nip in different ways; sometimes Brian and Christine wonder if she can truly be trained.
But they might be on to something, they suspect that Violet has them trained at this point. She is a pleasure to live with and we look forward to many more years of early morning head-sitting!
Everyone meet the adorable little Olive! Olive comes to us submitted by Reddit user Factoa. While the kitten’s name is Olive she certainly gets called all sorts of other nicknames as well! Who could resist making up fun nicknames for an adorable little fluff ball like her?
She loves playing with feathers, sneaking off into the bathroom to remove the drain cover from the shower, and playing little partner in crime to her ‘brother’ Charlie. For being so small, she sure makes a ton of noise romping down the hallway!
Olive and Charlie were adopted around a month ago. Olive is just around two months old, and Charlie around three. In addition to being the perfect playmates and caregivers to each other, having Charlie around helped domesticate Olive and ease her into life with humans.
When Olive was adopted her humans were told she was feral and they brought her out saying she had been hiding for days. It only took one look at her tiny, precious face and Factoa knew she wanted to help her. She also admits that after seeing such a precious face it was difficult to imagine how feral she could be! She looked like the epitome of a cuddly adorable kitten.
Sure enough, the first night Olive was home her family discovered how difficult she would be. Being so malnourished, you could feel every vertebrae of her tiny spine and she could easily fit through the small gap under the doors in the house. She spent the first night hiding under a couch.
It took a couple weeks before you could even make eye contact with her from across the room without her running to hide. But persistence pays off and her family has been finding the balance between giving her space, and showing her love and attention so she knows she is safe. Charlie has also been a big help! He has been affectionate from the beginning.
Olive would hear him greet us when we got home, or watch the family cuddle in bed together with him. Slowly she started trusting everyone and finally let people get their hands close to her without her hissing. A month later, she has come so far! Everyone likes to joke that she’s a real cat now, or she is “catting so well”.
Olive will come get in bed with occasionally and take a nap where it warm and comfy. But she yet won’t lay on people like Charlie does. On the bright side she doesn’t fight when we pick her up to transfer her and she starts purring instantly! They had to wait weeks to hear her little purr! Now she is a little purr machine!
Olive’s family spends a lot of time outdoors doing various activities and it always seemed like Charlie would be the adventure cat, coming out camping and such. But now that Olive is coming around and becoming so outgoing they are hoping both cats can run western Colorado’s high desert together.
As a reminder to readers be sure if your cat goes outside you get them microchipped and try to get them to wear a safe breakaway collar.
While I’ve had cats for years and I’ve always known their whiskers come in handy I never knew too much about them until I decided to research this article! I had no idea all of the different reasons our feline friends have whiskers, and that they had them in so many places.
Cat whiskers are pretty darn versatile, probably far more versatile then you’d think! Unlike the ‘whiskers’ we find on our human compatriots that are mostly used for looks, the whiskers on our feline friends have a multitude of uses! They are used for navigation, feeling, emotions and much, much more! So let’s take a look at 10 interesting cat whisker facts to get you up to speed on all the wonderful things your cat whiskers do for your feline friend!
They’re All Over The Place!
You probably assume your cat only has whiskers on the sides of their nose, but you’d be assuming wrong! Whiskers are also known as “vibrissae” or in more common terms tactile hairs. Your cat’s whiskers are two to three times thicker than regular cat hair and they are actually found in a bunch of places outside just their muzzle.
Whiskers are found above your cat’s eyes (look closely for them), all along the jawline and even behind their front legs. Your cat uses these whiskers for all sorts of reasons, but the most common is helping them navigate based on feelings that come in through the whisker tips.
I Can See In the Dark!
Whiskers are a heck of a lot more sensitive than a typical cat hair, they are directly wired into the nervous system of our feline friends. The whisker tips come fully loaded with little sensory organs called proprioceptors. These proprioceptors are extremely sensitive and can even feel slight changes in the air flow around your cat. Because of this sensitivity whiskers help your furry friend determine an object’s distance, direction and even surface texture. Pretty useful when it is dark and you might not be able to see anything!
Don’t Mess With My Whiskers!
Whiskers will fall out from time to time and that is completely natural. Just like cat hair and human hair, they’ll simply fall off and then they’ll grow back over time. No need to worry if you find one on the floor or one pops off while you’re scratching your cat’s chin. Unlike cat hair though, you’ll definitely want to avoid any trimming or grooming of your cat’s whiskers!
If you do mess with her whisker’s you could be leaving her hampered from a sensory standpoint which is especially dangerous for a cat that goes outdoors. On top of that, pulling on them or messing with them can actually be painful given how deeply rooted into the nerves they are.
I Need A Break…
Just like any other organ, eyes, ears, etc., whiskers can be overloaded from constant pressure or usage. If you find that your cat likes to knock food all over the place out of the bowl before eating then your cat might be suffering from what is called ‘whisker fatigue.’ This is generally caused by your cats’ whiskers being constantly pressured from the edges of the bowl. You might need to try using a different bowl.
Going For the Kill!
The whiskers I referenced that we find on the back of the front legs are primarily geared toward helping your cat during the hunt. Particularly they come into play after your cat has pounced and might be wrestling with prey. They basically serve as an indicator of where the prey is and how it might be moving so your cat can more safely kill its prey.
Why might they need this? Well, your cat doesn’t have the best eyesight in the world for objects nearby. Have you ever noticed how they have a hard time finding a treat in your hand right under their nose? And even if they could see close up their prey is often under them out of eyesight. This is the reason for these whiskers.
Is My Cat Happy or Sad?
If you’re familiar with cat behavior you know their hair gives off a bunch of signs that will help you understand how they are feeling. Whiskers play into this as well if you’re a careful observer. If your kitty’s whiskers are pulled in close to the cheeks you might want to avoid your cat for the moment because they could be in a lousy mood. Relaxed whiskers, those pointing out to the sides as you’d generally see them, mean a relaxed and happy cat. Time for some chin scratches!
Does Size Matter?
Whisker length is typically associated with the size of your cat. Your cat will often use her whiskers to determine if she can fit through a space or not and whiskers help her do that quickly. The bigger the cat the more likely the whiskers are big too! As for the cat with the largest whiskers in the world? Well, that’s Fullmoon’s Miss American Pie from Finland. The last recording of those whiskers was in 2005 and she set the Guinness World Record measuring in at 7.5 inches long! That’s one big set of whiskers!
Where’d The Word Come From?
The word “whisker” dates back to the early 17th century and it was from the Middle English word “wisker” meaning something used to whisks or sweep. No surprise I suppose since if you took a bunch of your cat’s whiskers and grouped them together you’d probably be able to create a pretty nice little broom out of them!
Your Cat Isn’t a Witch (I’m Sure You Already Knew That)
The whiskers on the sides of your cat’s muzzle have their own specific name, mystacial whiskers! Be careful, it isn’t mystical, it is mystacial! There are typically somewhere in the order of a dozen of these on each side of the feline face, but you might find a few less or a few more.
It is no surprise you are probably most aware of these whiskers, they are by far the longest on your cat’s face. One other cool tidbit on these mystacial whiskers, your cat can actually control them because they are connected to muscles in the face! Imagine if you could control your mustache guys?
Like Leaves In Autumn
Whiskers can change color over time, just like the rest of your cat’s hair. If you start to find grey or white whisker’s among the rest of the group then there’s nothing to worry about! It becomes most obvious if you’ve got a cat that has a black or dark colored coat. This slow change is totally natural and will likely continue as your kitty gets older.
Wrapping it Up on Cat Whisker Facts
Your cat’s whiskers are pretty darn cool body parts on the overall. Who knew they had so many uses and they factored so heavily into the survival of our feline friends for so long?!
If nothing else, I’m far more impressed with my cat’s whiskers than I am with my own facial hair, mine seems sorely lacking usability and versatility after finding all of this out.
If you have any experiences you’d like to share about your cat and his or her whiskers then please let me know by leaving a comment below or write me directly at
This week’s featured cat comes from San Luis Obispo, CA from the reddit user thescruffysquid (Shawn)! We thank him for submitting Charlie as cat of the week.
Charlie and Shawn live in San Luis Obispo, CA. Growing up, Shawn always had cats so after a few years of living on his own he decided that it was time to adopt a fur ball for himself. One day, Shawn randomly decided he would check the local shelters website and his my future furball’s picture on the home page. There was something about the little half mustache that drew him in and he knew if he adopted her he would name her Charlize(after Charlie Chaplin).
Charlize was listed as a six month old, short haired female. When he got to the shelter and asked to meet her he was told that she’s the most loving kitten they had and hoped she would go home ASAP! The second he got into the cat section of the shelter he saw a little black and white paw sticking out of a cage as if it were waiting for him.
The attendant left him in the room and when he opened Charlize’s cage she jumped onto his shoulder and started purring purring up a storm. At that moment he knew Charlize was going home with him so he Face Timed his mom and Charlize stared at my phone and purred for my mom! After signing the adoption papers the shelter told me she would get spayed (they still thought she was female after all!) the following day and that she could get picked up after.
Shawn arrived at the shelter the following day at the time they told him to get there with the biggest grin on my face. When the receptionist came up, she told him she needed to talk to him about the operation. Naturally, he got worried. What went wrong? Is Charlize ok? “Surprise! Charlize is a boy!”, said the receptionist. Knowing now that his kitten was a boy, he knew he had to change his name to Charlie which suited that little mustache even more!
Fast forwarding a little longer. Charlie’s second birthday is just around the corner and guess what? He doesn’t have short hair either! The short haired, female kitty, is actually a long haired male! Since Shawn had always wanted a fluff ball he wasn’t that disappointed! What a lucky cat Charlie was to find a human that is open to all sorts of feline friends!
Charlie’s favorite things to do are play with his pet mice or shoe laces (check out these toys for recommendations), sleep in the window (some cats love window beds), and play in his water fountain (be sure your kitty stays hydrated too). Not only is Charlie the opposite of what the shelter said, but he also loves to play in water! Who would have thought? The second the shower door opens he tries to jump in the shower to roll around in the water.
If you ever want to see your cat go crazy, tie a shoelace to one of their favorite toys and you are in for a real treat! Charlie loves to talk when his human is trying to sleep, but once Charlie started getting play time right before bed with a mouse attached to a shoe lace he sleeps all night……most of the time. You can find Charlie on his Instagram @imcharliethekitteh though he’s been slacking on his posts lately!
Every month it seems like Charlie’s tail gets poofier and his hair gets longer. With every passing day Charlie seems to follow Shawn more closely because he never fails to find some of Charlie’s long fur on his clothes! Reminds me of my little furballs, can’t seem to go anywhere without getting fluffed up!
Last but not least, Charlie loves being rewarded when he’s a good boy! His absolute favorite treats are Chicken flavored Greenies!
If you’re in the market for a heated cat bed there are a couple of key things you’ll want to consider. First and foremost though, is does your cat really need a heated cat bed? Most cats will not require something like this because their fur is a great insulator on its own.
The only reason a standard cat would require a heated bed is if the house gets down to a very chilly temperature at certain times of day and you don’t want to turn on a larger heating system.
So given the above, I’ll outline some of the best heated cat beds on the market, but I’ll also discuss in more detail below whether or not your cat should really require a cat bed or if you are spoiling your cat (which I’m all for too!).
One last thing to note, all of the beds below are for indoor use only. I have not yet compiled information on heated cat beds for outdoor/feral cats so do keep in mind none of the beds below should be used outside where they are exposed to the elements.
K&H is by far one of the most well respected heated cat bed manufacturers on the market. You can see my brother’s cat Nala absolutely living it up in her K&H Thermo Kitty bed above.
Not only has K&H they been around for years, but they also produce a wide variety of different models for both indoor and outdoor cats. This means they draw from a ton of experience and their products are tried and tested by cats from all walks of life.
This particular model is king of the ring when it comes to heated cat beds. It is super simple to operate in that it simply has a heated pad that slides into the bottom of the bed and then it heats on up when your cat comes by and lays down on it. If you’re looking to treat your cat or ensure that your older cat stays warm in the colder winter months then this is the bed for you!
Key features worth noting on this model:
Soft foam walls cuddle your cat in comfort with the addition of the heated pad below
It is available in 2 sizes, 16 inches in diameter and 20 inches in diamter
It comes in various colors including a cute fish print design, mocha and sage
It only uses 4-watt and it is MET listed meaning it is top of the line from a safety standpoint
It features dual thermostats that let it detect your pet then heats to 102 degrees F when your cat is present
When your cat isn’t around it stays 12 to 15 degrees above room temperature so your cat can detect the warmth
It can stay plugged in year round 24 hours a day and can be used in any household outlet
K&H Pet Products Hooded Heated Deluxe Thermo-Kitty Bed
As I mentioned above K&H is really a top of the line manufacturer in the space of heated cat beds. This is another variation on their main model that has a hood built in to help contain the heat and provide more of a cave like experience for your kitty to keep her even warmer!
Just like the previous model this is for indoor use only, if you’re looking for outdoor kitty beds there are a whole host of them, but this article is focused on indoor kitties!
Several of the major features worth noting on this model are:
The built in heating pad uses only 4 watts of electricity so it won’t cost you much to heat
The product is MET Listed meaning it is fully safety tested and isn’t a fire hazard
The hood zips off easily to create a kitty cup if your cat doesn’t like the additional cover
The heating pad is fully removable from the cover so you can easily wash the bed
It is available in 2 sizes, 16 inches in diameter and 20 inches in diamter
It features dual thermostats that let it detect your pet then heats to 102 degrees F when your cat is present
When your cat isn’t around it stays 12 to 15 degrees above room temperature so your cat can detect the warmth
It can stay plugged in year round 24 hours a day and can be used in any household outlet
This is a bit of a change up from the beds above in that it is a mat more than it is a bed. That being said, cats love snoozing on rugs, beds, mats & pretty much everything in between. If you have a cat that doesn’t love sides or walls around them then this is the option for you.
Key features worth noting on this kitty mat are:
Thermostatically controlled to warm to your pet’s normal body temperature (102 degrees) when in use
The heater uses only 6 watts of electricity which is on the low side of any heated mat
It is MET Listed meaning it is up to snuff from a fire safety standpoint
It is easy to wash and care for the outside, simply unzip and remove the heater from the cover and wash it on gentle
The dimensions of the mat are approximately 12.5″ x 25″ giving your kitty or kitties lots of space to snooze
It comes in two different colors so you can match it with your decor: mocha and sage
I know I know, you’re already saying to yourself that the picture to the right has a dog on the bed, not a cat. I don’t have a dog! I have a feline! Why would I want this bed? The simple fact is that cats and dogs actually have pretty similar internal temperatures so beds constructed to keep dogs warm do a very good job of keeping your cat warm too!
This bed is a little different from most listed in that you actually get to have some control over the thermostat and determine what temperature you’d like the bed to warm up to, within a predefined range of course.
The key features of this model are:
It has an automatic power-off protection control built in so it stops heating up past 104 degrees, your cats body temperature is about 102 degrees
If you've got a cat that likes to chew his one has a chew resist steel cord to keep your kitty safe
This is a third generation heating pad suitable for senior cats, arthritic cats, new born cats, pregnant cats any kitty that might have recently had a vet visit and needs some help staying warm
This pad is 100% Waterproof & Moisture-proof to ensure that your cat stays totally safe on it even if a little water spills on it or nearby it
It is made of durable oxford fabric and for long lasting comfort while maintaining a nice flexible and comfortable surface for your cat
It is super easy to clean by hand, you can easily run a wet cloth across it or a lint roller if it is gets too furry
Be sure to operate this indoors only, just like all these beds, and note you can lay a thin fleece or thin bed on top of it, but nothing too thick or the heat won’t come through
If you’re looking for a lovely place for your cat to get some zzzzs and have some of the best dreams of their lives then this is the bed for you. It is even called the Dream Pod, that means you know it delivers on its promises!
All jokes aside, this pod is basically a cross over of the Twin Critters bed from my top 10 normal bed list and a heated bed. It will make any cat you have fall in love with sleeping inside of it and never want to come out to use the litter box or eat. Don’t worry though, they still will come out for those things, they just won’t want to.
Key features of this bed worth noting are:
The heater inside this bed is 100% removable for year round use, you obviously won’t need it in the summer
This dream pod is large enough for pretty much any cat, or even two cats if they like to snooze on top of one another
The dream pod will gently cradle your cat using its unique bowl design that is engineered for cat comfort
The exterior is made of rugged 600 denier polyester meaning it’ll stand up to quite the beating while also maintaining a nice warm interior
The interior is made of plush Lycra to keep your feline friend warm and comfortable
It does come with an option to buy it without the heater, but with an MET listed heater and only 4 watts of consumption you should definitely get the heater
There’s also a removable pillow inside that can be easily pulled out and washed if necessary
Cangfort Electric Heated Cat Bed with Chew Resistant Cord
The Cangfort electric heated cat bed is a nice option if you’re looking for something very simple and straight forward to keep your cat nice and warm on those frigid winter days. Not only is it simple in design and operation, but it will also maintain a single constant temperature to keep your fluff ball extra comfy!
Now to be clear this is more of a pad than it is a bed, while it does have a comfy cover it would most likely be best used inside of or on top of an existing cat bed of some sort.
Key features worth noting:
The grey cushion is extra thick and is made of high quality polar fleece so it is just like sleeping on a cloud
The pad will maintain a single constant temperature of about 48C or 118F
It runs on a simple and low 12 volts so it is totally safe for your kitties to be around
At about 12 x 16 inches it will also easily fit inside most existing cat beds if you just want to warm up a current bed
The cover slips on and off easily with just the flick of a zipper and it is machine washable
The cord is chew resistant to keep your kitty safe even if he or she gets a little curious
This is definitely one of the larger heated cat beds on the market coming in at about 23 inches by 17 inches. That means there’s plenty of room on it for two cats, especially if you’ve got a pair that is already close!
This bed is perfect for older pets, or pets plagued by aches and pains as arthritis sets in or perhaps if they’ve just had surgery.
You’ll notice there are no high walls on the side of this bed so it is easy for any and every cat to get on top of it and enjoy the warmth! Art of Paws also wanted to ensure safety in your house for you and your family.
Their cat bed warms up automatically when your pet sits on it and then reverts to a lower temperature setting when your pet leaves the bed. This ensures safety and conserves energy too, go green!
Features worth noting on this bed:
It auto detects when your cat is present and warms up to its peak temperature then cools off slightly when the cat leaves to conserve energy
It has an internal thermometer and overheating protection so you can relax and listen to your cats snoring or purring happily in their nice warm bed
It comes with an extra-long 2 meter bite-proof cord
It only uses 10 watts of electricity so it comes in on the low end of heated pet beds in general
The soft fleece cover is super easy to remove and is 100% machine washable so you can keep it clean even if your fluff balls like to fur it up
If you want your cat to have her own little red barn, you know, like the ones you saw growing up, then this is the model for you. Not only does it look pretty similar to the barn with the red painted walls, but it’ll also ensure your feline friend stays extra warm. Now you do see a dog in the picture, forgive the oversight but the model does of course accommodate cats too!
The warmth will come from three major sources, your cat, the enclosed walls and roof, and of course the built in heating system for your little red barn. As with any K&H model, this barn is fully tested to ensure it is safe and it will only heat up to its top temperature when your kitty cat is present. As with every model on this page, this barn is only intended for indoor use.
Let’s quickly recap some of the key K&H features in case you skipped right to this model:
If you just like the barn you can buy that without the heating component and it’ll still do a great job keeping your cat warm
It is super-soft and has padded plush interior walls and a floor pad, it also zips together and can be easily broken down for travel
The thermostat triggers the heater to flip on and it only uses 4 watts to warm to your pet’s normal body temperature when in use
It is designed to remain 10-15 degrees above ambient air temperature when your pet is not in the bed to conserve energy
As with all K&H products it is MET Listed meaning you know it has been tested for safety
With a name like the Octagon you'd probably expect some form of a battle to take place in it, but just the opposite is true. Unless your cats battle over good comfy sleeping places!
I like the overall design and the functionality, it is an excellent product when it comes to providing your cat a nice warm place to call home on those cold days.
You already know that in general I am a big fan of K&H products, they make great stuff that ensures your cat lives like the king or queen she is.
The only reason this particular item from K&H is last in my list is the cheetah print. Or perhaps it is leopard print. Whatever the case it just isn’t all that attractive to me and I wish they had other options available.
A few features worth mentioning:
Super easy to put together, you don’t need any tools at all It provides a 14 x 16 sleeping area on the interior which s a nice large space for most cats to curl up
The cover is removable and washable with the simple pull of a zipper
The thermostat triggers the heater to flip on and it only uses 4 watts to warm to your pet’s normal body temperature when in use
It is designed to remain 10-15 degrees above ambient air temperature when your pet is not in the bed to conserve energy
As with all K&H products it is MET Listed meaning you know it has been tested for safety
Waycom has a new heated pad that has just come to the market. While heated cat beds are a surprisingly competitive space they've already seen a good number of really positive reviews on this new product.
The biggest thing I like about this option is you've got 7 different temperature levels to choose from and you can control it from a simple
While I again don't love cheetah print models this does have an alternative simple brown cover you can purchase as well. Another nice perk is you can simply buy an extra cover if you know your cats are prone to furring it up.
A couple of key features worth noting on this model:
The heating mat itself is made of medical grade PVC and is considered fireproof, waterproof and dustproof.
The cord is plastic-wrapped for chew resistance to keep your feline friend safe.
There are 7 different temperature levels you can adjust it to that range from 25~55℃. The LED attachment makes it easy to change the temperature in just a second.
It has a safety mechanism built in to shut the heating pad down if it ever overheats. This ensures there's no risk of fire and that your cat won't get burned!
The cover is removable (and you can buy extras) and is super easy to clean by machine or hand. The pad itself should rarely require cleaning, but it can be wiped down with a damp cloth.
This option is perfect for older cats or for pets that have arthritis problems. Many people also buy mats like this for pregnant and newborn cats to make keeping kittens warm easier.
Cisno brings another great option to the market that has a ton of versatility temperature wise and provides complete control through a small digital LED attachment. This means you can easily adjust the temperature for your feline friend.
The key feature I note with this model is that it is an 'always on' model. Once you plug it in it will stay turned on and will always produce heat. Unlike many other models that are pressure triggered and turn off, this one will always be a warm spot for your cat to find.
Key features worth noting here:
It will heat up to the desired temperature in less than 30 minutes after you plug it in. Note this model always stays on and isn't triggered by pressure from your cat!
The cord is wrapped in both metal and a soft plastic cover to ensure your cat can't chew through it and won't get electrocuted.
The product has a layer of anti flammable fabric built between the heating systems and the cover to ensure your cat stays safe and sound and so does your house!
You can adjust the temperature from 77-131 degrees Fahrenheit, though 104 is about all you need for a cat. This can be done on the digital display attached to the bed.
It comes with a spare fleece cover so while you're washing one you can slip the other on, no lost opportunities for your kitties!
The answer for most people here is going to be a resounding no. Now does that stop you from providing the bed anyway, absolutely not. If you simply want to spoil your cat and provide an extra warm comfy spot for her to sleep then by all means go for it. That being said, here are the key considerations you’ll want to keep in mind when determining if you really need a cat bed:
First and foremost you’ll want to consider your environment. If you live in a relatively tropical environment where the temperature is an average of 70 degrees Fahrenheit or higher then a heated bed is likely not necessary for your cat. A standard bed with a blanket will probably be plenty sufficient, or a cave if you want to take it a step further.
If on the other hand your home tends to get pretty chilly from time to time, especially in the winter, then a heated bed might be a logical consideration. In general they chew up a lot less energy than heating the whole house and most of them only actually use energy when the cat is present in in the bed. Not only does this mean your cat stays warm, but it means you’re environmentally friendly too!
This is the second largest reason you might consider a heated bed. A few of our feline friends simply don’t have much hair, in particular breeds like the Sphynx. These cats would definitely appreciate a heated bed if they live in an environment where the temperature dips below the 60 degree mark.
Size & Weight:
As we all know larger items maintain their temperature more effectively. A large cat will not get as cold as easily as a small cat so be sure to factor in the size and weight of your furry friend to determine if you’ll need a heated bed.
Hair Type:
Pretty obvious, long haired cats are less likely to need an additional heat source as they’ll generally just stay warmer.
Age is another factor worth considering. The older your cat gets the more his or her metabolism slows down and also the more likely they are to lose weight. This is just a simple function of getting old. If your cat loses weight they are more likely to get cold more easily and a heated bed makes more sense. On the flip side of this very small kittens don’t stay as warm as their adult counterparts so it might be worth considering for a younger cat too.
Heated cats are absolutely safe so long as you operate the bed properly. What do I mean by properly? Well, there are a few restrictions that typically come with pretty much any heated cat bed on the market. So let’s dig into those:
No Extension Cords: Generally speaking any type of heater that is running purely on electricity recommends not using an extension cord. The general reason behind this is that a lot of extension cords aren’t designed to support the amount of electricity that would flow through which could result in the cord itself overheating and causing a fire.
Cleaning & Washing: If you decide that you’d like to clean or wash your heated bed you’re going to have to ensure you read the directions. Generally speaking you’ll have to unzip the cover and wash only the cover. The heating pad itself should typically not be washed.
Addition Comfort: You’ll want to avoid placing anything additional on top of the heated bed other than the cover that comes with it. The primary reason is that this will help ensure you don’t create a fire hazard by placing something potentially flammable on the bed. While the average temperature of the cat bed is only about 102 Fahrenheit at maximum there’s no sense tempting fate with untested materials.
If you operate your heated cat bed with these items in mind then you should have very little concern about safety. If you’re leaving the house for days or weeks at a time and your cat is coming with you then you can go ahead and turn it off by unplugging it, but beyond that these beds are designed to operate 24 hours a day.
If you’ve had your bed for a few days and your cat hasn’t yet fallen in love with it, or maybe hasn’t done anything more than sniff it, don’t worry! Many cats will take a few weeks before they’re willing to explore a new bed, and you might have to get a little crafty to get your cat to try it out for the first time.
The good news is, once a cat tries a bed and likes it they’re a heck of a lot more likely to come right back and use it another time. The cave my cat Beast has went unused for over a month before we left for a long weekend and then she discovered it when she didn’t have a warm lap to sit in. Now she sleeps in that cave every night! Here are a few tips you can try to get your cat to try out a new bed:
Make It Smell Like Home: We all know that cats base a lot of their lives around scents. They rub their paws and their faces all over everything to leave their scent and mark things as their own. Given this a new bed with a factory or shipping smell can be off putting. Try taking a blanket or another cushion or something of theirs and placing it inside the new bed. This will help bring them comfort and associate positive things with it.
Mask Unknown The Scents: Similar to the above option, you can look at using a product like Feliway Spray to help your cat get used to their new bed. Feliway is a synthetic pheromone that comes in a little spray bottle and is scentless to us humans. On the bright side, it has a calming effect on most cats and will encourage them to otherwise explore or use spaces/toys that might otherwise ignore or hide from.
Treat Motivation: It may go without saying, but if you have a cat that loves treats then definitely feel free to put them to use. Scatter a few treats in the bed from time to time to encourage your kitty to walk on and feel that nice new comfortable bed.
Manual Intervention: There’s always the time tested option of simply picking up your cat and setting them in the bed. Now if your cat has already expressed fear of the bed I certainly wouldn’t try this. If your cat on the other hand has mostly simply ignored the bed then this can be a good option for a quick test of the bed.
If you’ve got multiple cats that might use it you may also want to try Feliway Multicat. Check out my more in depth review of it here.
Calculating the cost of running the bed may be important to you to ensure you're not running up your electrical bill to give your cat an extra comfy spot to sleep.
Given this I've done some simple calculations on both the high and low side. I used the lowest watt bed (4 watts) and the highest watt bed (15 watts) and just assumed they are on 24 hours a day.
Note that most of these beds do have automatic shut offs if a cat isn't present so they wouldn't be running a lot of the time. But that being said:
Cost Per Month for 4 Watt Bed to Run Continuously: $0.28
Cost Per Month for 15 Watt Bed to Run Continuously: $1.08
Note I used a cost of about $0.11 per Kilowatt Hour to make these calculations and used this page from an ComEd Energy Savings as a reference on how to come to these costs.
We all know every cat is a tad different in regards to where they love to relax and what materials they love to relax on. But I’ve personally never met a cat that doesn’t like to lay on something warm or lay in the sun when it happens to be shining through the window!
On top of this if you happen to have a cat that might have any level of difficulty in staying warm on their own then heated cat beds can definitely be a huge bonus. This applies to small kittens and older cats in particular, but it certainly helps relieve aches and pains for cats that might simply have an injury or something like arthritis setting in.
Be sure to try all the tips and tricks above if your cat doesn’t take to your new purchase right away. Cats are definitely creatures of habit and may take some time before they decide they want to try a new bed let alone fall in love with it.
What type of bed do you use for your cat? Do you have a heated bed and if so how do you like it? Tell us about your favorite heated cat bed, or better yet your cat’s favorite bed! Feel free to leave a comment below or send me an email at is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
Henry is just a little bit over twelve weeks old and lives with his human mom and dad and his big cat brother Oliver in Halifax, Nova Scotia! Henry is a lucky guy that he has a brother to play with so he gets lots of exercise! You can see Henry here zonked out on the bed while Oliver watches over him, what a great older brother!
Henry joined the family in a very interesting way. One evening a family friend texted Henry’s mom in a panic saying that her cat had surprise kittens! She sent pictures and no surprise, mom instantly instantly fell in love with one. Sadly there had already been many long conversations about not adopting another cat into the family, Oliver was quite enough to take care of already!
Another little cat brother was simply not on the table which made mom so bummed out that she even refused to go visit Henry so she wouldn’t get attached! I probably would have had to do the same with a face like that!
Fast forward two months and it is three days before Christmas and a sneaky surprise was at hand! Dad had been working some magic behind the scenes and had quite the present prepared. He requested a visit to the neighbor’s house and low and behold he snuck in with Henry in his arms and presented the little two month old kitten as a huge Christmas surprise!! After that there were so many happy tears that Henry’s new mom slightly passed out from excitement!
Henry’s mom said “He was the best surprise I could have ever hoped for and I definitely wasn’t expecting it, no one has ever kept a secret like that from me! Every body in my life knew, even my coworkers and not one person let it spill! It still blows my mind. I couldn’t have hoped for a better fur baby, he has brought so much light into our lives. ❤️”
Wow! What a story! And as for Henry’s dad, I will just say that you’ve made a lot of us other guys look pretty bad here! You’re setting the bar way too high for everyone else! Totally kidding, wonderful job, way to bring another fur ball a happy home in the process of such a great gift.
One final note, while clearly this story ended in a very happy way for Henry and his family, lots of kittens out there never find a home. Unless you’re planning for kittens definitely check out these articles on getting your cats spayed or neutered! If you’re introducing new cats to each other you might also want to consider Feliway Multicat to ease the transition for both of your cats!
This week’s submission comes from instagram & reddit user simsim88! The featured cats of the week this week are Frodo and Smeagol. What an amazing Lord of the Rings reference for anyone who didn’t catch it! They are both 11 years old this year.
They were found as kittens left abandoned in a cardboard box at a local thrift store. When simsim88 first saw them she thought they were so super adorable and felt so horrible that someone could just leave them. She knew instantly that she had to take them home!
They like to sleep and eat a lot which seems to occupy most of their time. No surprise since Smeagol was basically starved living in a cave for so many years in Lord of the Rings! Totally kidding! Smeagol is the larger of the two and also pretty lazy, he’s definitely the most popular with people but very independent and likes to lie in the grass, garden or under the car.
Frodo by comparison is smaller and much more active but also very high maintenance, he enjoys snuggles and requires a lot more attention, particularly around 3:30AM which is his favorite time to jump on his resident human and meow in her face. Frodo is the more vocal of the pair and will always sing for his dinner.
Both cats enjoy a lot of time outside where they can roam the garden and prowl the streets looking for fun but lately they’ve been kept inside at night because simsim88 doesn’t want them getting into trouble or eating the native wildlife. If you let your cat outdoors be sure to microchip them at the least, and I personally always recommend a collar of some sort!
If you need recommendations on collars check out this one from Pettsie! If your cat has a desire to get out but you live in an area that is dangerous like a downtown are then consider an astronaut backback for your kitty so he or she can see the world in safety!
Frodo is a bit of a scaredy-cat and anytime there is a thunderstorm or the neighbors come home he will cower under the couch or blanket. Smeagy on the other hand is totally fearless and thinks he rules the hood with an iron paw!
Frodo is an escape artist. He learned how to unlock the cat flap as a kitten so it was hard to keep him inside, anytime he goes outside into the garden he will try to jump the fence and get into the yard next door to play with the Sphinx that lives there.
As with most cat owners, hundreds of dollars have been spent on fancy brand-name cat toys to keep them entertained…but both Frodo and Smeagol prefer the simple pleasures and are more interested in playing with simsim88’s boyfriend who teases them using a torn up strip of old carpet.
Smeagol has recently, after 4 years of trying, finally figured out how to play with his Cat-Kong and will spend hours sitting there batting it back and forth until all the treats fall out. Frodo still hasn’t worked out how to do it but will instead wait for Smeagol to knock the treats out and then swoop in to gobble them up. Very sneaky of him!
Up until about a month ago both Frodo and Smeagol were enjoying a diet of wet food, salmon being their favorite. But it seems after his most recent vet trip that Smeagol needs to lose some weight! Given this they are now both on a strict metabolic diet. Outside dieting they’re sure to need lots of play time!
Their favorite snack is Feline Greenies dental treats (my cats Lexi and Beast absolutely love these too!). Simsim88 loves her kitties so much that anytime she has to go away she leaves them with her parents who spoil them rotten!
Lucky fur balls! Thanks so much for sharing your cats with everyone Simsim88. To submit your cat for Cat of the Week please send at least 5 photos and a description of at least 400 words to
Is your cat making herself at home on every piece of furniture you have in the house and covering it in fur? While this is pretty typical for any domestic house cat you can help alleviate the problem by providing a better place for your cat to sleep.
You want to find yourself a cat bed! One of the best cat beds on the market if possible.
So let’s dig into the top of the line cat beds on the market. Some are silly and some are so comfy you’re going to wish it was your own bed. You might get jealous and try to order 100 of them to turn them into your own bed! Who knows, we cat owners are a strange breed aren’t we?
Note: This article will not cover any window beds or ledges or any heated cat beds. If you’re looking for a window bed then check out my article focused on the top 10 window beds for cats!
Twin Critters – Handcrafted Ecofriendly Cat Cave (Shark Model Also Available)
The Twin Critters merino wool cat cave offers plenty of space for cats of all sizes. This cozy nook provides shelter for baby kittens, and large Maine Coons. Each twin critters cat cave is carefully handcrafted in Nepal, so you know the quality is second to none.
Twin Critters prides itself on making sure that your furry friend feels safe and sound – that’s why they use 100% all-natural New Zealand wool which is some of the best in the business.
The entire cat bed is made without the use of any harsh chemicals. It is constructed an ancient technique called felting, artisans mold each KittiKubbi with the help of water, soap, and merino wool.
The product is also dried 100% naturally to save on energy and ensure the product is as natural as possible.
One of the best things about a merino wool cat cave that it is super soft and ultra-durable while at the same time providing a hideaway that keeps your kitty warm in the winter, and cool in the summer.
A few additional things worth noting:
It is 12 inches tall by 20 inches across and the entrance is about 9 inches in diameter
It will easily hold a large cat, when I say large I mean up to 20 pounds
The shape is a bit malleable, if you want you can scrunch it down into a cat mat instead of a cave
Cats of all shapes and saves absolutely loves this cat bed, inside it, on top of it, any way they can use it
It is also worth noting there is a shark specific shaped model available for those of you wanting an extra cool bed
Pet Magasin’s Luxury Four-Way Snuggly Cat Hideaway
If you’re looking for a cat bed that is incredibly versatile then this is the option for you. Not only will this serve a as a typical cat cave, it has 3 other options to keep your cat comfy.
You can lay it down to make it a flat bed, you can stand it up to make it similar to a cup, or you can fluff it up to make it look like a pod! Talk about options, it’ll keep your cat warm and interested for ages given all of the different ways you can set it up!
Thanks to its faux-fur lining and trim, a microfiber outer blanket and combination of fleece and foam padding, this bed gives your cat the luxurious comfort he or she deserves.
Not only is it going to provide the comfort your little king or queen expects, but it will also last a good long time so you don’t have to go buying another bed in the near future!
A few other items worth noting with this awesome hideaway:
At 17″W x 12″H x 22″D, it’s plenty big enough for any cat other than maybe a large Maine Coone, in fact it’ll easily accommodate two average house cats!
It is recommended that you hand wash this particular bed, you can tumble dry it though!
It is super soft and comfy and it comes in at a very affordable price point
The 4 different options give you a ton of versatility in how you want your cat to enjoy this bed
It has an awesome self warming layer built in, but it won’t make any annoying crinkly sound that mylar normally makes
Cat beds honestly don’t get a lot cooler than this. If you’re looking for both the sexiest and the most vicious cat bed around then you’ve hit pay dirt.
This shark shaped cat bed will not only make your cat feel right at home, it is also an awesome conversation topic and a nice piece of decor for anyone who loved the move Sharknado, or I suppose Jaws for folks that are a bit older!
There are several awesome features worth noting:
This bed will keep your cat warmer than the surface of the sun, both the inside and outside are made of high-quality fiber fabrics,that radiate heat back at your cat
The bottom is made of anti-slip material to ensure it won’t slide all over as your fur ball makes her way in and out
Given the dimensions (20″ x 20″ x 15″) it will easily hold a very large cat, upwards of 20 pounds should fit no problem
The interior bed cushion is removable and machine washable making it simple to disassemble for travel
It comes in at a pretty average price point for a cat bed, it is certainly not on the expensive side for how awesome it is
In case you’re curious it is made of Fiber Cloth,Oxford Cloth and PP Cotton Filler
If you’re looking for a bed for your cat purely for warmth, but you don’t want to risk a heated cat bed, this this is one of the best options out there. This bed will keep your cat warm even when the temperature plummets!
It looks like a mini cat cave and there’s no room for cold air inside once your cat climbs in and curls up into a ball.
A few features worth noting:
The bed is made with extra warm and soft velvet & cotton. Not only is it extremely comfortable but it is also durable ensuring nothing will fall off the bed if washed or used extensively.
If you’re looking for a variety of colors Mojonnie has you covered, this bed comes in grey, light brown and chocolate
The dimensions of the bed are 19.7″ x 15.7″ x 11.8″ which will easily suit a cat that is 14 lb or less. If you have a smaller cat and want them to be extra cozy you can always opt for the small size instead.
The bed is soft and easy on your cat’s skin to makes her feel comfortable and cozy.
The whole bed is machine washable, but you should not put it in the drier, let it air dry instead!
You may be asking yourself ‘How the heck is a cat bed self warming?’ when you read the title of this particular model. Well, this is yet another way your cat can pretend to be an astronaut beyond getting a Cat Bubble Backpack.
In this particular case you’re basically get a cat bed that has a sheet of mylar built into it. For anyone unfamiliar with mylar, it is that super thin stuff that looks like aluminum foil that you take hiking with you in case of an emergency.
It is extremely lightweight, but it does an amazing job of reflecting heat back at the source which ensures that as soon as your kitty lays down in this bed it will warm right up for them!
A couple of other things worth noting about this bed:
It is made from faux lambs wool and wide wale corduroy to ensure it is durable while staying comfortable
It comes fully equipped with with a non-skid bottom to ensure it’ll stay right where you put it
The bed is fully machine washable so you can keep it clean, but not by breaking your back washing it yourself
This particular model is round, but there are a bunch of options in different sizes and shapes to accommodate cats of any size
The Best Friends by Sheri Ortho Comfort Deep Dish Cuddler Self Warming Cat Bed
I already spoiled the surprise in one of the models above on how this bed is self warming so I won’t dig into it much detail, suffice it to say that there’s a layer of mylar built into it to warm your kitty right up!
The major difference between this model and the Aspen Pet model is the much higher walls on the sides that make it feel more enclosed, but without it actually being a cave.
This option also has a design that is engineered to help ease any joint pain in your feline friend by providing an ergonomic design. Who knew pets needed ergonomic beds like us humans?
The back is designed to stick up higher than the front so your pet stays nice and warm and can rest their head on the edge of the bed without any pain!
A few other things worth noting on this model:
This has one of the widest ranges of colors available of any bed on the market, if you’re looking to match decor then look no further than this model
The bed is fully machine washable and dryer safe too so you can wash it and have it back in business quickly
The interior walls are bar stitched to keep the filling in place during washing, all the fluff will stay well distributed
It is stuffed with virgin AirLOFT fibers, it keeps its loft for up to 3 times longer than the second-hand fibers found in most other pet beds
While cheetah print is not exactly my favorite option in the world, the simple fact is that this is an excellent cat bed and it comes in at an incredibly affordable price compared to most other beds on the market.
Aspen Pet is well known for making high quality products and this one is no different than the rest of their product line. This circular shaped bed is 18 inches in diameter and is filled with a high-loft recycled polyester fiber fill that will make your pet feel at home.
It also has slightly raised sides so your cat can cuddle up in a circle and feel enveloped by the sides for extra warmth.
A few additional things worth noting:
As mentioned above, the key selling point on this bed is the price, it comes in at about a third of the cost of the other beds here
Even though it is wild animal print it is 100% machine washable to make cleaning a breeze
It is super lightweight so you can easily move it all over the house or take it with you if you’re taking your cats traveling somewhere
At an 18 inch outer diameter it would easily accommodate two smaller sized cats (8-9 pounds) at the same time
For the last 20 years Armarkat has been internationally recognized as the most reliable brand for quality, endurance and style at affordable prices. This means that if you buy from these guys you know you have an experienced crew behind the design and construction of your cat bed!
Armarkat prides itself on bringing all sorts of new ergonomic beds to the market to ensure your cat stays happy and comfortable, and they do it while also providing a huge array of colors and shape options.
This model in particular is octagon shaped, but if you check out the link below you’ll find a large host of other shapes and sizes available. If you’re curious what it is made of the materials are Faux Suede and Soft Velvet and filled with extra thick 100% poly fill for maximum comfort.
The key features worth noting:
Coming in at a size of about 20″ by 20″ with 8″ high walls, this bed easily accommodates large cats or multiple cats with no problem
This bed is both washable and stain resistant , so even if something does sneak through the stain guard you can toss it right in the wash
You can also remove the pillow from the inside so that drying isn’t such a long winded process
The base is skid free to it’ll stay put even on hard wood or tile floors
If you’re looking for something with a bit more of a modern look to it to fit in with your home decor then the Best Pet Supplies Pet Tent is a great option.
Not only does it provide a nice comfy place for your cat to relax, it also helps keep your kitty nice and warm by enclosing her on 5 of 6 sides! The spot left open is the front door!
This tent is pretty darn cool in that you can choose from various materials including faux suede, linen or corduroy depending on what suits your home.
Every bed is stuffed with soft poly-foam lining to ensure it keeps its shape and looks nice! It is also fully equipped with a skid free base to keep it from sliding all over the place on a hardwood or tile floor.
A few other items worth noting:
The exterior of the bed measures 19″ by 19″ by 19″ meaning there’s lots of space inside for your kitty to relax, two cats that are friendly will easy fit in on top of one another
It comes in about 7 different colors to help you match it with your home decor
There are multiple sizes available in case you have a smaller cat and would like to give her a more snuggly cave
The tent is 100% machine washable to ensure it stays nice and clean, and the pillow can pop right out if you only want to wash that piece
If you’re looking to provide your cat a bed that looks a heck of a lot like a manger than Armarkat has you totally covered. This particular bed looks like you could drop it right into most baby strollers and it would fit right in!
All you would need is a cute little cat sweater for your feline friend and you’d be good to go!
This model is made of faux suede and faux fur so it is 100% friendly to all our fellow animals and it is 1000% comfortable too! Where does that comfort come from you ask, well it is filled with extra thick 100-percent poly fill for maximum comfort.
The base is waterproof just in case and it also skid-free to ensure it won’t go sliding all over the place every time your fluff ball hops in and out of it.
A couple of other items worth noting about the Armarkat Cave Bed:
The dimensions come in at about 18″ in length by 14″ in width by 12″ in height meaning even a rather large cat will fit in it no problem
It holds its shape really well even if you wash it, which by the way it is 100% machine washable as well
The cushion you see inside the bed is definitely included and that’s where all the comfort comes from, it is removable as well
The front of the bed is about 5.5″ tall in case you have an older cat
It comes in multiple colors including beige, green and red
This is a two in one bed that is basically both a cave and an open air bed. I personally like this for when the weather shifts from warm to cold and I want somewhere extra cozy for my cats to sleep.
It can be converted from one to the other in seconds and will keep your cat intrigued for long periods of time.
This particular model is great for cats that are extremely curious or get bored of new things easily. Just a quick change and you’ve got a completely different bed available for your cat to explore!
Other items worth noting on this model:
It has a nice no slip bottom attached to it so even on wood floors it won’t go sliding around
It is 100% machine washable so you can keep it nice and clean with ease
It is focused on animals that are about 12 pounds in size or less, so if you’ve got a Maine Coon look elsewhere
You’ve got five different colors you can choose from to match your home decor
It measures 16″ L x 16″ D x 12″ H (13″ in D at the top if the lid is on)
You saw another bed by this company up above, that’s the Deep Dish Cuddler. Sheri Pet is known for making amazing beds and this one fits the bill.
It is a cave that will let your cat feel like a sleeping monster with her own lair to come in and out of. The key thing to note is that this cave is designed for cats that are on the smaller side, about 8 or 9 lbs.
A couple of additional items worth noting on this model:
It is designed with embossed Ilan fabric and tough oxford fabric to be both pet-safe and easy to clean
The bottom of the igloo is waterproof and dirt-resistant meaning it is a perfect fit on the floor
It is machine washable and dryer safe meaning you can keep it nice and clean and fur free (until your cat uses it again!)
Surprisingly flexible yet able to hold its shape, the foam construction makes this luxury cat bed strong and durable
It has a whopping 14 different colors to choose from so if you’re looking to match a room try this one out
The Zen Den is a pretty slick looking and comfy bed in and of its own right, but the coolest part about it is that it is designed to be combined with the Easyology tunnel system.
If you look closely at the picture you can see the loops at the entrance that hook the tunnel right to it. This means you can add a nice tunnel to your cat’s bed giving her extra privacy and a nice hidden place to chill out and snooze.
Not many other beds come with that kind of well thought out attachment! It works especially well if you have a dog that may bother your cat when he or she is asleep in an uncovered bed. Check out my favorite cat tunnels here or go straight to the Zen Tunnel.
A few other things worth noting:
It is a simple cube measuring in at 15 inches in all directions
The outside is covered in soft faux suede that makes it look great in your home
It can double as a footrest, though certainly wouldn’t recommend sitting on it myself
The extra thick and soft cushioning keeps your pet ultra-comfortable
The top pops off making it easy to remove the cushion inside for cleaning or for easy access to fluffy
What All Should I Consider When Buying a Cat Bed or Cave?
There are about a million different beds on the market these days. On top of this we all know that cats are a little bit picky, especially when it comes to their two favorite hobbies: eating and sleeping.
Given this you’ll want to make sure you have the best chance of success when buying a bed so you don’t have to find out the new bed you purchased probably needs to go to the local shelter and you need to spin the roulette wheel again!
So what’s worth considering to ensure you make the right choice up front? Let’s take a look at key aspects:
It is no surprise that size is going to matter. If you own a Maine Coone you’re going to need to look for a different size bed than if you own a tiny little domestic short hair that was the runt of the litter.
If you’re looking to fit two cats in a bed you’ll also want to consider that!
Be sure the bed you’re purchasing is at least as big as your cat is long to ensure there’s plenty of space.
If you’re going for a cave I also personally like to go on the large side so I can easily fit a blanket my cats like inside.
If your cat has specific materials that she absolutely loves to knead on (or make biscuits depending on what you like to call it) then aim find a bed that is made of a similar material. If your cat is kneading it means the material feels great to her and she’ll love it for a bed!
If you already know your cat absolutely despises certain types of materials be sure to avoid those. It may seem like common sense, but sometimes common sense is not so common these days right?
Enclosed / Open Air:
While most cats don’t mind enclosed spaces there are those rare few who don’t like exploring boxes or seeing if they can get themselves stuck inside the smallest corner of your entertainment center. Be sure to take this into account when considering the beds on your list for purchase!
Last but not least you’ll definitely want to take into account the environment your cat bed will be placed in. Is your house hot during the day but freezing cold at night?
If so you might want to consider a covered bed that provides more warmth, or even a heated bed.
Where Should I Put My Cat’s Bed?
You may also wonder what the best location is for your cat bed. While that will largely depend on your specific cat, it’ll also depend on the type of bed you buy.
Most covered beds are designed to give your kitty a nice safe and dark spot to curly up and zonk out. This means perhaps somewhere out of the way in an untraveled corner of the house.
If instead you’re buying something uncovered it might be best placed near an open window that gets lots of sunlight for your fluff ball to relax in during the day. If you want full sunlight for your kitty though you may want to explore a window bed instead.
If you’re anything like me you might have multiple beds in multiple locations. I keep my Twin Critters on my nightstand so Beastling can sleep in it at night and not bother me, but she has a window bed fully in the sun too!
How Long Until My Cat Uses The New Bed?
If you’ve had your bed for a few days and your cat hasn’t yet fallen in love with it, or maybe hasn’t done anything more than sniff it, don’t worry!
Many cats will take a few weeks before they’re willing to explore a new bed, and you might have to get a little crafty to get your cat to try it out for the first time.
The good news is, once a cat tries a bed and likes it they’re a heck of a lot more likely to come right back and use it another time. The cave my cat Beast has went unused for over a month.
Then we left for a long weekend and then she discovered it when she didn’t have a warm lap to sit in. Now she sleeps in that cave every night!
Here are a few tips you can try to get your cat to try out a new bed:
Make It Smell Like Home:
We all know that cats base a lot of their lives around scents. They rub their paws and their faces all over everything to leave their scent and mark things as their own.
Given this a new bed with a factory or shipping smell can be off putting. Try taking a blanket or another cushion or something of theirs and placing it inside the new bed. This will help bring them comfort and associate positive things with it.
You may also want to try wearing a t-shirt and for a few days and putting that inside the cat bed to make it smell like you which is usually a scent they know and trust.
Mask Unknown The Scents:
Similar to the above option, you can look at using a product like Feliway Spray to help your cat get used to their new bed. Feliway is a synthetic pheromone that comes in a little spray bottle and is scentless to us humans. It also works for multi cat households to help keep them calm.
On the bright side, it has a calming effect on most cats and will encourage them to otherwise explore or use spaces/toys that might otherwise ignore or hide from.
Treat Motivation:
It may go without saying, but if you have a cat that loves treats then definitely feel free to put them to use. Scatter a few treats in the bed from time to time to encourage your kitty to walk on and feel that nice new comfortable bed.
Manual Intervention:
There’s always the time tested option of simply picking up your cat and setting them in the bed. Now if your cat has already expressed fear of the bed I certainly wouldn’t try this.
If your cat on the other hand has mostly simply ignored the bed then this can be a good option for a quick test of the bed.
Wrapping It Up on Cat Beds
We all know every cat is a tad different in regards to where they love to relax and what materials they love to relax on. One of my cats, Beast, absolutely loves her tiny little cave.
My other cat Lexi loves to sleep sprawled out in middle of the comforter on our bed and doesn’t really go into the cat cave at all. Both of them will sleep in the little circular bed we own.
That being said what is really important is to find a bed that fits for your cat! These beds are some of the most highly respected on the market and have shown time and time again to be adored by our feline friends.
But if your doesn’t happen to love them then you might need to try a couple of different things until you find what works best for you!
Be sure to try all the tips and tricks above if your cat doesn’t take to your new purchase right away. Cats are definitely creatures of habit and may take some time before they decide they want to try a new bed let alone fall in love with it.
What type of bed do you use for your cat? Do you have a material or format you like best? Is it a completely covered cat cave or a wide open circular bed? Tell us about your favorite bed, or better yet your cat’s favorite bed! Feel free to leave a comment below or send me an email at is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
This week’s cat of the week comes to us from Instagram user DannyLyon! Check out the beautiful Persian Maya! Maya is a two-year-old Persian that was rescued from Homeward Trails in April of 2017. Their previous kitty, a 7-year-old Maine Coon, passed away from liver cancer in February 2017 which left them heartbroken. So when the family saw a friend post on Facebook that Homeward Trails had just completed a rescue effort in Kuwait (where numerous cats and dogs roam the streets) they got interested!
Maya is one of the cats who was rescued from Kuwait last Spring. She was spayed shortly after arriving in the states and had an infection in her spay incision; thus, she had to wear a blue surgical shirt for a bit. While the family tried as hard as possible to limit her activity, it proved to be quite difficult as Maya loves to play because she’s very active and relatively young.
Since adopting Maya, she has settled in nicely with our family of four in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Maya is extremely social and wants to share the latest news and give you the lowdown on her day (read: she is extremely chatty!). She is also very playful; her favorite pastimes are playing with catnip mice, swatting at and chasing the kid’s Lego pieces and hunting bugs. Perhaps she’d like Hexbugs as a substitute! If you need ideas on keeping your own cat entertained check out these toys!
Maya enjoys keeping everyone company throughout the day whether on the sofa, in bed, on the desk (mom works from home) and at the dinner table – yes, she really does join the family at dinnertime and sits at the 5th chair at the table. When she is really well behaved, she will get a tiny treat of fresh fish or grilled chicken.
Maya loves wildlife and perches herself in the bump-out garden style window in the kitchen to watch birds in the front yard and enjoys her view from her cat tree to keep watch on our backyard. While Maya has it made with her window setup, check out the these window beds if you’re looking to get your cat squared away!
When it snowed for the first time in D.C. this winter, Maya would not stop meowing to go outside. She is an indoor kitty, however, it was clear she wanted to check out the snow. Her winter coat has come in and Maya was escorted by the family and walked outside through the carport and went exploring. She cautiously walked through the 1” of new-fallen snow and it was then that this photo of her was taken – white fur on white snow.
Maya loves to be held like a baby; she will wrap her front paws around your arm as you pet her chest. We’re pretty sure she is determined to convert all non-cat lovers to cat lovers for life. Needless to say, Maya has won over many hearts already. Maya has brought much joy and laughter to our family and we are forever grateful to be her owners.
Have you ever spent much time thinking about your cat’s paws? And no, thinking they are very cute when they zonk out with them face up doesn’t count! While cat paws are of course there for all of the usual stuff, walking, jumping, pouncing etc., there are actually a bunch of other interesting tidbits you would probably like to know!
Not only are your cats paws useful from a generic sense of getting around, but they are really geared toward ensuring your cat can do things like mark her territory, chase down her prey and of course complete tasks that are much more complex than swatting your when you try to pet her tummy.
So let’s take a look at a few interesting cat paw facts!
Is Your Cat Left or Right Pawed?
You know how we humans have a dominant hand and a dominant foot, well your feline friends do as well! While there isn’t any definitive percentage of cats that use their right over their left paw, the research does show that that they do indeed have paw preferences.
What’s interesting is that this is even more prominent when our feline friends are doing something they consider difficult, like trying to work treats out of a food puzzle. This should remind you of yourself because difficult tasks that require finesse, for example writing, are typically conducted using only one hand. There aren’t many of humans that are ambidextrous!
While I’ve never read any details on whether or not gender correlates with handedness in humans, there is some research produced by the Queens University in Ireland that at least indicates some level of correlation between gender and right or left paw dominance. They shows that male cats tend to be right pawed and their feline counterparts tend to lean on their left paw more often.
If you’re curious about which paw your cat tends to favor it is pretty easy to find out. There are all sorts of ways you can do this, but the easiest is to place treats in hard to reach places where your cat can’t simply walk right up and eat them. You could place them in between flower pots or anything that is heavy/immobile and unlikely to tip over to see how your cat reacts.
Note that for any accurate reading you’re going to need to conduct this test a lot of times. Only doing it once or twice won’t tell you anything specific!
Cats are Very Sneaky!
Have you ever tried to sneak up on someone very quietly and depended on walking on your tip toes to make sure they don’t hear you coming? Cats actually walk on their tip toes almost exclusively! They are what scientists call digitigrade. This basically means they spend almost all their time up on their tip toes!
For us humans walking on tip toes is kind of a hassle and we don’t really need to do it unless we’re sneaking around. But for cats they’ve evolved to walk on their tip toes to enhance their chances of survival. Just like we humans, walking on tip toes makes cats harder to detect and it also makes it harder for their prey to detect them.
Does Your Cat Hate When You Touch Her Paws?
I don’t know about your cat, but both my cats are pretty quick to yank their paws away from me the second I try to touch or squeeze them in any way. At first I wondered why that would be, it’s just a paw after all! My dogs growing up never had any trouble with this.
But there is of course a reason for this, and it isn’t just because they don’t like being touched. Most cats object to having their paws touched because the pads on the bottom of their paws are extremely sensitive. Very similar to cat whiskers, they are directly tied into the nervous system of your cat and they’ve got a boatload of receptors in them. This means cats prefer to touch their paws themselves and that’s about it!
These receptors make the paw pads on your cat an aid in of course getting around, but also in hunting by helping them maintain balance on uneven or difficult surfaces. It may also be surprising, but some signs point to their paw pads being sensitive enough to help them feel vibrations in the ground which might alert them to the location of their prey or a potential predator sneaking up on them.
Sensitivity Has Its Drawbacks
While all of the above details might sound pretty cool, there are some things worth considering on the negative side too. Paw pads are strong enough to help keep paws safe in many circumstances, but they can be easily injured by extreme temperature or too much pressure.
Different textures can also feel uncomfortable to your cat which will result in them avoiding areas that have that type of texture. This is a great reasons that things like double sided tape work at keeping cats off counters or cat mats work to keep cats out of gardens without directly harming them.
Flexibility is Always Underrated
I suppose it is no surprise for me to tell you that your cat’s paws are incredibly flexible. If you’ve ever watched your cat climb up to a high place you’ve definitely seen this in action, their paws flex and turn around edged or rounded surfaces to help them grip.
Their front paws have specifically evolved to turn inward in order so that it is easy for their claws to sink into surfaces they are climbing. Keep in mind that having sharp claws is part of the deal for climbing well, if your cat is scratching up a storm take a look at this article to help redirect your cat to a desired scratching surface.
Now back to the flexibility. This flexibility in the front paws makes it easy to climb up, but not so easy to climb down! If you’ve ever seen a cat come down a tree you probably noticed that cat backing down the tree. That’s because their claws can’t dig in effectively facing downward
Cats Use Paws for Grooming
Your cat has quite a toolset available for grooming, but the most obvious you’re probably aware of is her tongue. She uses it to handle a lot of her daily grooming duties. But, paws help her along in the process, especially in areas that her tongue can’t get to.
You’ll see your cat use her paws to groom her ears, under her chins and all over her neck and face. Beast in particular rubs her paw over her face then licks it then does this again and again. Mothers usually start to teach their kittens this process before they are weaned so your cat might not be the best at this type of cleaning if they were hand raised by humans.
Cats Use Paws to Communicate
While cat scratching is of course a normal behavior and something you can’t really stop, there’s far more reason for it than simply sharpening nails. Cats actually scratch objects to mark their territories.
There are small scent glands in the paws and while your cat scratches they release pheromones on those surfaces. These pheromones tell other cats all about who was there and let them know this is someone’s territory. You may find scratching associated with spraying if you have a cat that sprays, this is not uncommon as it is another way for the cat to mark their territory.
Paws Sweat
Unlike humans cats don’t sweat through their skin anywhere on their body. That would of course result in a very lousy hair day for your feline friend! Cats actually sweat from their paw pads. Although this is a heck of a lot smaller surface area than we humans have, it does aid in keeping your feline friend from getting too hot on a summer day. If you’re curious about the right temperature for your feline friend check this article out!
Also note that beyond simply being hot, cats that are scared will also get sweaty paws. If your cat hates the vet or hates the groomer then you might notice little wet paw prints on the table when you take them on a dreaded trip.
There’s a Rainbow of Cat Paw Colors
You might be surprised to find out that your cat’s paw pads actually tend to match the color of your cat’s fur! There are some 90 different color patterns alone in domestic short haired cats and if you looked at each of those cat’s paws you’d find that they’ll largely match the fur of the respective cat
To the right here is a picture of Lexi’s paw pads, Lexi is black with a little shock of white fur. You’ll find things quite similar across the rest of cats as well! This is because the pigmentation in your cat that colors her fur is the same pigmentation that colors her paw pads! Pretty cool huh?
Cats Love To Jump & Paws Assist In the Landing
Cat paws are ideal for helping cats get around, especially in environments where they have to jump and leap constantly. Their paw pads cushion and soften landings meaning not only is there less impact on the overall body & joints, but there’s also a heck of a lot less noise. Pretty handy when you’re trying to stalking your prey and not alert them to your presence!
If you’re curious about seeing this in action once of the best ways to do it is to play with your cat with a wand toy and convince her to jump after it. You’ll notice most cats land rather gracefully and without much noise at all, even on hard surfaces like wood floors.
Wrapping it Up on Interesting Cat Paw Facts
Your cat’s paws are pretty versatile and for the most part they are geared toward ensuring your feline friend is both as safe and as fearsome as possible. Who knew they had so many uses and they factored so heavily into the survival of our feline friends for so long?!
If nothing else, it is great to finally understand why my fur balls don’t like me messing with their paws. If you have any experiences you’d like to share about your cat and his or her paws then please let me know by leaving a comment below or write me directly at